Course Description:
The topics covered in this course include: Definitions, What is a Team?, Types of Teams, Importance of Teams, When to Use a Team, The Work of a Team, Why Invest Time to Develop a Team, Phases of Team Development, Making the Most of Teams, A Model of Team Effectiveness, High Performance Team Characteristics, Introduction, Leader Behaviors, Team Facilitation, Leader Role vs. Facilitator Role, Directive Behaviors, Facilitative Behaviors, Team Relationship Management, Task Roles, Maintenance Roles, Individual Roles, Introduction, Team Charter, Team Boundaries and Authority to Act, Resources and Reporting, Completion Criteria, Mission and Goals, Team Strategy, Ground Rules, Roles and Responsibilities, Champion/Sponsor, Leader/Facilitator, Recorder/Member, Communication Plan, Introduction, Senior Management Support, Effective Team Meetings, Understanding Team Members, Integrating New Team Members, Team Based Problem Solving and Decision Making